Answer Vault
Q.DAY 1: I've already used Canva Pro free trial a few months ago. I'm not sure if I can use it again. What should I do?
A. No problem. Just use another email address to sign up for the free trail of Canva Pro and you should be good to go.
Q.DAY 1: If we use Canva Pro during this training and then cancel will we still be able to have access to our designs done in Canva Pro?
A. Yes you will still have access to your designs but after your free trial of Canva Pro runs out you will no longer be able to design with all of the Canva Pro shortcuts unless you join Canva Pro and pay for it.
Q.DAY 2: I have a brand book from another video that you've done. Can I use that instead and skip this video?
A. If you already have a brand book from another video you've done with me then you should be fine but I'd recommend watching the video on how to do your brand book in Canva because there may be some tricks in there that aren't in the video you watched in another training. Just to be on the safe side.
Q.DAY 2: When putting my logo into the brand kit which is better - logo with or without transparent background?
A. I'm a fan of having all versions of your logo in your brand kit and in a Canva folder called logos. So create all versions of it: transparent background, no transparent background, even change the color of your logo to black, white, and maybe an accent color so you are well prepared. You may never need it but at least you have it.
Q.DAY 2: I have brand fonts that I like using but they aren't on Canva. Can I import my fonts to Canva?
A. Yes. Google import fonts to Canva and the link will appear. Follow the instructions to upload your fonts to canva and save them in your brand kit. Then you will have easy access to your uploaded brand fonts.
Q.DAY 2: What is the best site for downloading fonts for free?
A. First find the font that you like. Then google the name of that font and add in free donload. Google will show you what you're looking for.
Q.DAY 2: Should I use the same fonts across all platforms? Social media, website, etc?
A. Yes! 100% yes! It's called brand consistency and I highly recommend it.
Q.DAY 2: How many fonts should I have for my brand?
A. Less is more in this case. Start off by using the same font for all three: headings, subheadings,and body. Heading can be big, subheading can be medium, and body can be small. Once you get that down then play with it a bit. Change the heading to a different font and see what that looks like. Small subtle changes are good. Large crazy changes aren't. Remember your body font should be extremely easy to read. Your heading and / or subheading can have a bit more personality but don't go overboard. As a rule of thumb, try to have between 1-2 different fonts for your branding.
Q.DAY 3: I've created my social media banner but can I use the same designs but for different platforms?
A. Yes. First create your designs using the Faceobok Cover design document. Then when you are done click on the top left where it says resize and you'll see all the different sizes and dimensions you can resize that design in. Please do it one at a time. That way when you click on resize and copy you know which tab is for what size and dimenison. Go one by one until you've resized and copied your Facebook cover design in all of the dimenisoins you want.
Q.DAY 3: What's your take on watermarks?
A. Not a fan. If it's your own photography then it's a given that you took the picture. No need to watermark it. If it's an image from Canva photos or Unsplash then no need to watermark it. Watermarks distract from the entire design. And if you are on a website where you can get imagery that you have to pay for and if you don't pay for it then you have a watermark, then it just looks cheap. So if you want to use an image off of istock or something then pay for it so there's no watermark.
Q.DAY 3: What's your opinion on putting your email and website and telephone number on your social media banners?
A. You can if you want but here's the thing. Take for example you are on Facebook and you are creating a Facebook banner. The person looking at your profile is on Facebook. You are creating content on Facebook. Adding in your website, email, and telephone number will take them away from Facebook. Which is the goal but I'd rather you add that info in on your posts in the status update and not in your social media banner. After all it's the first impression they get of you. Let them get a first impression without your contact info, and let them consume your content and from there engage with you.
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