Day 3: Full Body Poses


🚫 Problem: Which foot to stand on.✅ Solution: Squeeze your body together and inhale. Then drop your weight onto one foot and exhale. This foot is where you normally lean onto. This is your favoured foot. Remember this for all of your photo shoots that this is your favoured foot.

🚫 Problem: Which foot to stand on.

✅ Solution: Squeeze your body together and inhale. Then drop your weight onto one foot and exhale. This foot is where you normally lean onto. This is your favoured foot. Remember this for all of your photo shoots that this is your favoured foot.

🚫 Problem: Hips look big.✅ Solution: Place your favoured foot as the back foot with your toes at a 45 degree angle away form the camera. Put your weight on the favoured foot in the back. Lean into that hip. Pull your hips back to the wall. Engage your core and elongate through the spine. Congrats you’ve minimised your hips.

🚫 Problem: Hips look big.

✅ Solution: Place your favoured foot as the back foot with your toes at a 45 degree angle away form the camera. Put your weight on the favoured foot in the back. Lean into that hip. Pull your hips back to the wall. Engage your core and elongate through the spine. Congrats you’ve minimised your hips.

🚫 Problem: Stomach jutting out.✅ Solution: Point your toes to the camera. Engage your core. Elongate through the spine. Hips to the back wall. Bend your elbows and hold two fingers with your other hand. Lean slightly forward from your hips. Now you have the optical illusions of a flatter stomach when facing the camera.

🚫 Problem: Stomach jutting out.

✅ Solution: Point your toes to the camera. Engage your core. Elongate through the spine. Hips to the back wall. Bend your elbows and hold two fingers with your other hand. Lean slightly forward from your hips. Now you have the optical illusions of a flatter stomach when facing the camera.

🚫 Problem: Hands on your hips.✅ Solution: Put your favoured foot in the back in a 45 degree angle. Drop your weight into that hip. Showgirl bevel the other foot and bend that knee. Put your middle finger tip on the side of the bend knee and draw a line up to your hip. Rest your thumb on that hip with negative space in the elbow. Or for a more dramatic look bring the palm to your ribs, fingers pointing down. Pose freely with the other hand to add asymmetrical flair.

🚫 Problem: Hands on your hips.

✅ Solution: Put your favoured foot in the back in a 45 degree angle. Drop your weight into that hip. Showgirl bevel the other foot and bend that knee. Put your middle finger tip on the side of the bend knee and draw a line up to your hip. Rest your thumb on that hip with negative space in the elbow. Or for a more dramatic look bring the palm to your ribs, fingers pointing down. Pose freely with the other hand to add asymmetrical flair.

🚫 Problem: Dead hands.✅ Solution: Play with your hands. Rub your hands together. Play with your watch. Play with your bracelets. Massage your hands. Play with your necklace. Play with your hair. This may feel ridiculous but it looks amazing.

🚫 Problem: Dead hands.

✅ Solution: Play with your hands. Rub your hands together. Play with your watch. Play with your bracelets. Massage your hands. Play with your necklace. Play with your hair. This may feel ridiculous but it looks amazing.

🚫 Problem: Don’t know how to look strong.✅ Solution: Place your feet wider than hip width apart. Point your toes to the camera. Engage your core. Elongate through the spine. Cross your arms. Look straight to the camera, or keep your eyes to the camera but point your nose on a 45 degree angle for a strong pose that commands attention.

🚫 Problem: Don’t know how to look strong.

✅ Solution: Place your feet wider than hip width apart. Point your toes to the camera. Engage your core. Elongate through the spine. Cross your arms. Look straight to the camera, or keep your eyes to the camera but point your nose on a 45 degree angle for a strong pose that commands attention.

🚫 Problem: Your feet look heavy.✅ Solution: If you’re leaning on one foot then lift the heel of the other foot. Try a simple lift of the heel or even a show girl bevel. Or lift both heels and go onto your toes to add more lightness to your feet.

🚫 Problem: Your feet look heavy.

✅ Solution: If you’re leaning on one foot then lift the heel of the other foot. Try a simple lift of the heel or even a show girl bevel. Or lift both heels and go onto your toes to add more lightness to your feet.

🚫 Problem: Short legs.✅ Solution: Bend your elbows and hold two fingers with your other hand. Create negative space between your arms and your ribs. Pop the front heel and knee, point your front foot, or go onto your toes and cross your ankles giving the illusion that your legs are longer.

🚫 Problem: Short legs.

✅ Solution: Bend your elbows and hold two fingers with your other hand. Create negative space between your arms and your ribs. Pop the front heel and knee, point your front foot, or go onto your toes and cross your ankles giving the illusion that your legs are longer.

🚫 Problem: No waistline.✅ Solution: Point your toes at a 45 degree angle away from the camera. Put your weight onto your back foot. Lean into that hip. Engage your core. Twist your shoulders slowly to the camera to create a slimmer waist line.

🚫 Problem: No waistline.

✅ Solution: Point your toes at a 45 degree angle away from the camera. Put your weight onto your back foot. Lean into that hip. Engage your core. Twist your shoulders slowly to the camera to create a slimmer waist line.

🚫 Problem: Hands on your hips.✅ Solution: Lean onto your favoured foot. Put your thumb in the pocket of that favoured foot. Relax your fingers. Pull the elbow back to elongate the wrist. Create negative space between the elbow and your ribs. Pose freely with the other hand to add asymmetrical flair.

🚫 Problem: Hands on your hips.

✅ Solution: Lean onto your favoured foot. Put your thumb in the pocket of that favoured foot. Relax your fingers. Pull the elbow back to elongate the wrist. Create negative space between the elbow and your ribs. Pose freely with the other hand to add asymmetrical flair.

🚫 Problem: Broken wrists with hands in pockets.✅ Solution: Elongate through the wrist. Pull your elbow back. Create negative space between your arm and ribs for a casual and professional look.

🚫 Problem: Broken wrists with hands in pockets.

✅ Solution: Elongate through the wrist. Pull your elbow back. Create negative space between your arm and ribs for a casual and professional look.

🚫 Problem: Don’t know what to do with your legs.✅ Solution: Point your toes to the camera. Lean on your favoured foot. Bring your other foot slightly back, lift the heel, turn the knee out and the heel in slightly, or tap your toe in front of your standing leg. Now you have natural movement in your legs that look effortless.

🚫 Problem: Don’t know what to do with your legs.

✅ Solution: Point your toes to the camera. Lean on your favoured foot. Bring your other foot slightly back, lift the heel, turn the knee out and the heel in slightly, or tap your toe in front of your standing leg. Now you have natural movement in your legs that look effortless.

🚫 Problem: Weird walking poses.✅ Solution: Point your toes 45 degrees away form the camera with your favoured foot in the back. With your other foot take one step forward and one step back and repeat. Swing your arms, play with your hands, and look front and back. It may feel strange but it will give you a casual walking look.

🚫 Problem: Weird walking poses.

✅ Solution: Point your toes 45 degrees away form the camera with your favoured foot in the back. With your other foot take one step forward and one step back and repeat. Swing your arms, play with your hands, and look front and back. It may feel strange but it will give you a casual walking look.

🚫 Problem: Don’t know what to do with your arms. 

✅ Solution: Decide what pose you want to do with your legs then build upwards. thumbs in pockets, touch your neck with your fingers, create a base with one arm and drop the other arm down, or touch your chin, hold 2 fingers with the other hand, play with your hair, point your elbows to the sky, cross your wrists above our head. The options are endless!


Practice your full body poses in the mirror to get them into your muscle memory. Then head on over to your smartphone and create a video fo you doing the full body poses. Remember to hold each pose while filming. Then go back through the video and screenshot the poses that you like  best.

Then when you have all of your posed screenshots, go to our community group and create ONE post. In that one post upload all of your posed screenshots to show off what you’ve learned. Who knows… you may even see a subtle difference in the pics you took on Day 1 when finding the light to today after learning how to do full body poses. 

Got a question? Check the Answer Vault first to see if your question has already been answered. Or join our live Q&A session to ask your question. The date, time, and link of the Q&A session can be found in the Main Menu. Can’t make it live? The replay will be uploaded below for you to watch after we go live.


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Day 2: Picturesque Portraits


Day 4: Selfie Styling Tricks