Day 1: Lights, Camera, Action (etiquette)
Do a light test by snapping selfies inside and outside. Use the below Do’s and Don’ts of Lighting as your guide.
While doing your light test keep an ear out to see if it’s loud or quiet in that area.
Write out what type of camera(s) you have, what accessories you have, and how they make you feel.
Understand the 3 Action Etiquette rules: 1. always record a steady video, 2. always start and finish strong, 3. always start and finish strong with your voice
Record a short video no longer than 1 minute in 1 or 2 locations that have the best light. Introduce yourself by saying your name, where you’re from, what lighting options work best for you, what camera you are using and if you are using any accessories, and 1 thing you’re excited abut learning in this course. Then post your video in our community group.
Watch the Day 1 Q&A session.
Natural light inside
✅ DO use natural light coming in from the window.
🚫DO NOT use your cellar where there is no light coming in from anywhere.
✅ DO get off your butt and get close to the window.
🚫 DO NOT stay where you are and think the light coming into the centre of the room is good enough. You’re lazy!
✅ DO face the window so the natural light cascades on your gorgeous face.
🚫 DO NOT turn away from the window backlighting yourself so your face looks like wet plastic bag.
✅ DO wait until the hash light streaming in has passed so you can use the diffused light coming in from your window giving you an even spread of light onto your angelic face.
🚫 DO NOT use the harsh light streaming in from your window giving you a squinty face that makes you look like you sucked a sour lemon.
✅ DO have a flat wall behind you on the opposite side of the room to give you an even looking background.
🚫 DO NOT have a curved or cornered wall behind you on the opposite sides of the room making you look like you live in another space time continuum.
✅ DO clean up the flat wall behind you to give your content a crisp background.
🚫 DO NOT leave your crap in the background making you look like the next candidate for the tv show Hoarders.
✅ DO find a stead surface to place your camera on so your viewers can enjoy your gorgeous content.
🚫 DO NOT place your camera somewhere where it can slip, fall, or break completely making you look like an absolute amateur.
✅ DO hold your phone in your hand AND steady your hand against the window for the best viewing pleasure.
🚫 DO NOT hold the phone in your hand without steadying it against something because you’ll make your video viewers throw up from motion sickness.
✅ DO prop your camera up to the height that feels good to you so you can move naturally.
🚫 DO NOT place your phone on the window sill but think you can stay bent over while creating content and no one will notice. ya look stupid and will need to go to the chiropractor afterwards.
✅ DO take the time to find that one window in your home that feels juuuust right and make that your go to content creation window for natural light.
🚫 DO NOT think any window will do. It wont. You’re wasting my time. Get up off your ass.
Natural light outside
✅ DO use the golden hour rule - 1 hour after sun rise and 1 hour before sunset - to have a golden glowing light to create your content and look like you just fell from heaven.
🚫 DO NOT create content outside at night when the sun is on the other side of the earth and is helping everyone else look their best while you expect to look amazing in total darkness. Ooooo you selfish!
✅ DO go outside when it’s a cloudy day and create tons of content. This is the best kind of natural light for outside! the clouds cast a natural diffused and even light on EVERYTHING making content creation a breeze. YAY!
🚫 DO NOT stay inside when its a cloudy day because you’re in a mood like a teenage girl because Kevin the football quarterback didn’t invite you to prom. Get over it Kimberly! He never liked you anyway.
✅ DO stand in total shade when the sun is out to give you a soft diffused even light on your gorgeous face.
🚫 DO NOT stand in direct sunlight when creating content. You look like Rene Zellweger. Seriously girl open your eyes! Are you a bat? Do you see with sound?
✅ DO stand in total shade when the sun is out so we can see your face clearly.
🚫 DO NOT stand in dappled shade where spots of sunlight subconsciously pull focus making you look like someone threw bleach on your face .
✅ DO put the sun behind you on a sunny day (if you decide to not stand in total shade) to give you an angelic backlit look.
🚫 DO NOT put one half of your body toward the light for a “cool” effect. you look like 2 face from batman. Obviously you flipped the coin and decided upon this lighting situation and it was NOT the right decision. CHOICES!
Computer Monitor Light
✅ DO understand that computer monitor light doesn’t look good on you.
🚫 DO NOT think computer monitor light is good enough. You look like you have jaundice.
✅ DO put your computer close to a window for natural light to make you look more like a human.
🚫 DO NOT put your computer in a dark basement where you look like an underground hacker.
✅ DO use a desk lamp or small LED panel to light up your face to make you look your best.
🚫 DO NOT just use your computer monitor light because blue light is not a good look for you. Ya BASIC!
✅ DO invest in a desk lamp or small LED panel light to make you look like a healthy human being at your desk.
🚫 DO NOT assume the lights in your room are good enough. They’re terrible. They hate you. They want you to look like you have a rare skin disease.
ATTN: Glasses Wearers
✅ DO position your desk lamp or studio light up high and point it down at a 45 degree angle to avoid reflection in your glasses.
🚫 DO NOT position your desk lamp or studio light at eye level giving you a glare on your glasses. You look like you’re wearing an eye patch made out of reflective light. What are you the 21st century version of one eyed willy? Goonies forever!
Studio Light
✅ DO hop onto Amazon and get an inexpensive LED soft box or ring light to cast a gorgeous glow onto your visage.
🚫 DO NOT use your ceiling lights for creating content. You look like an upside down version of the Blair Witch Project poster.
✅ DO place your studio light on a 10 to 45 degree angle to bask in the glow of the gorgeousness that you are.
🚫 DO NOT place your studio light on a 46-90 degree angle giving you a dramatic look. Your face will look like the dark side of the moon and only vampires will take you seriously.
✅ DO come close to your studio light to get even distribution across your entire face and body.
🚫 DO NOT step away from the light making you look far away. Practice social distancing in public, not alone with your light.
✅ DO purchase an LED soft box or ring light that stays on the whole time you’re creating content.
🚫 DO NOT purchase a flash photography light that only goes on for a split second making you look like the NYC subway is driving by.
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